What Else We Do
Code Orange is dedicated to inspire others to engage in STEM . Code Orange has impacted tens of thousands of people, spreading the FIRST message with YouTube videos, robot demos, and community outreach.
Every year we hold a summer camp for 10 to 16 year old kids who learn robotics with the award-winning FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team Code Orange 3476. They learn about engineering and robotics while having lots of fun. The camp introduces topics related to FRC such as engineering design process, robot fabrication, computer-aided 3D machine design, 3-D printing, electronics, and the principles of FRC robotic programming. Learn robotics while engaging in team building and engineering challenges. Campers are divided into small groups for highly interactive learning based upon their skill levels. They will also have a chance to check out the Code Orange award-winning robot.
Every year we co-host a FIRST Lego League (FLL) qualifying tournament called “Bots at the Beach”. Winners of this tournament are invited to the FLL state championship at LEGOLand.